A Dream Fulfilled

If you know me at all, I am a terrible, awful, hopeless romantic. I tear up at any wedding I attend (even if I don’t know the bride and groom), Disney movies, and Christmas movies. For some reason Seattle doesn’t have an outdoor ice rink during the holidays, and I’ve always fantasized about a skating …

Cambridge, England

I didn’t have any expectations for Cambridge because I wouldn’t even had considered visiting Cambridge if it weren’t for Alex. I knew the fancy schmancy university was there, but I had no idea how charming Cambridge would be. Getting their via train was pretty easy. It was only 2.5 hours away, I only had to …

Skegness, England

Nothing makes me feel more at home than a weekend at the beach. A cold, grey, windy beach. Chris and I decided a small getaway my first weekend in England because we both could use some time in the sand and do some exploration. The last time we were on a beach together was three years …

Fall in England

Pretty pictures driving from Manchester to Nottingham. I don’t think I’ll ever get to driving on the left side of the road. Good thing Chris did it all.

Break Away

So here I am, back in England. Long story short, my visa was expiring, work at La Distesa was winding down, and it was probably time for me to really get some real traveling done and living out of my backpack. I spent the night in the airport and when the TV monitors were finally …

Team BritYankPaddy

As I’ve said before my favorite part of traveling next to trying new foods is meeting people. While London wasn’t the friendliest of cities, it reminded me of Seattle. For the most part people keep to themselves in the streets, but if you’re lucky enough to strike up a conversation with one, they’re perfectly pleasant …

Traditional English Food by Tim

Pork Scratchings and beer I felt like a disaster my first night in London. I didn’t stand on the right side of the escalator, I fumbled through my coin purse trying to figure out what the difference was between my pounds, euros, and turkish lira, and apparently had to sample nearly ever beer on tap because English beers …

How Not to Move a Piano

Since Tim was busy with the chaos of moving while I was in town, it only seemed natural that I offer to help on moving day. What I wasn’t expecting was to move an upright piano up a flight of stairs that included a sharp corner…Needless to say, it was a disaster. Why Tim ever …

London Wanderings

Buckingham Palace What visit to London would be complete without visiting Buckingham Palace? It seems to me like the equivalent of going to New York and not seeing the Statue of Liberty or Washington D.C. and not seeing the White House. My mom, one who doesn’t really involve herself with any type of politics LOVED …

Notting Hill Carnival

Tim managed to free himself up for a day to check out the infamous Notting Hill Carnival, Europe’s biggest street festival. (I think that it could be argued.) After hearing it compared to New Orlean’s Mardis Gras festival, I was intrigued and excited that I happened to be in town for this annual event. I …

A Day on Brick Lane

After a lazy morning of lounging, piano, and tea…I was definitely in the mood for some vintage shopping. Tim and my other friends raved about the vintage shopping in London, so I was stoked. I wasn’t planning on getting anything other than a birthday gift for Valeria…but little did I know… Tim told me that …

The Borough Market

If the accents, charming neighborhoods, and ease of transportation wasn’t already making me fall in love with London, The Borough Market finished it all for me. I would kill for a loft above or near this place. Like a giggling school girl, I was practically skipping around London after my encounter. Probably more than three …

The Tim Tour of London

So for those who don’t know, I met Tim while I was in Turkey. I was looking for ideas for places to explore before I had to return for work in Italy and he suggested I come to London since the city was all decorated for the Olympics. London had always seemed like such an …