2024 – The Year of Surrender, Adventure, and Peace

If there is one thing I have learned this year, it is that the end of everything, is the beginning to anything. When it rains, it really does pour. You can either complain about being underdressed and unprepared, or you can sing and dance in it. Obviously, I choose the latter. Sometimes it’s easier said …

2022: The Year of Connection and Embrace

The world opened it’s doors again, and opportunities seemed endless. At least for those of us who are privileged enough to have access to free vaccines and live in a place where you can choose how to live your life (for the most part). It seems like everyone was trying to make up for lost …

2021: Light the Fire of Your Soul

Being a human is weird. It’s fascinating, heartbreaking, and meaningless all at the same time. But mostly – it’s weird. Rereading my 2020 reflection, I get the sense of peace and fragility. Knowing that so much was unknown, and I was just trying to see the light in it all. This year, with COVID vaccines …

2020 – The Year of Presence

If you read any other reflections from 2020, you’ll likely hear themes ranging from, “2020: What in the actual fuck?” to “2020: When will it end?”. They are comical in their sad truth, but being the eternal optimist that I am, I can’t help but look at the bright side of everything. After all, just …

2019: The End of a Decade – Fearless and Fulfilled

I always love this time of the year when I get to create some time and space to reflect on my past year. The things I am grateful for, the moments that were most challenging, and the new memories created. Sometimes life is happening so fast, you don’t even realize how much has happened until …

Tres Hombres – The Joining of a Ship and Souls

One of my favorite things about my job is that I get to learn about the amazing work so many people do locally and globally. People who have made it their life passion to bring their cause to the world. Whether it’s rebuilding a 100+ yr. old boat, reading stories to kids dressed as a …

La Passeggiata – Home

In Italian, la passeggiata can be translated to an evening stroll, a common daily activity for Italians. Strolling over the uneven cobblestone roads on a warm summer evening to have apperitivo and or gelato with friends before dinner…or for me, it was often alongside the country roads, seeing where my explorations of a new dirt …

Yellow Aster Butte

After an endless marathon of events this summer, my soul needed some mountain time. Who better to get outside with than Brandon and Traci. I told Brandon I didn’t care where we went as long as it had a rewarding view. And he delivered! The weather held out just long enough! Yellow Aster Butte has …

2018 – A Year of Self-Love

As 2018 comes to an end, I feel as if I’m standing on the edge of so many new beginnings and dreams. It’s hard to even think about what’s happened over the last year to re-share because I am so excited for whats to come. But 2018 was incredible. Through practice, patience, and a whole …

Happy Fair – OCF 2018

After years of feeling conflicted about choosing between Raceweek and Oregon Country Fair, this year’s decision was much easier when Elusive decided not to participate in Raceweek (at first). I could finally return home! It has been 7 years since I was last at the fair. There was a lot of change regarding camping at …

Banks Lake 2018

Of all the magical things that happened over the summer, none was as magical as this weekend. For me, this was the official start to summer. To think I almost didn’t go on this trip because of so many silly reasons, but none of them matter because I made it. It ended up just being …

The Enchantments

I did it! I finally made it to the coveted enchantments! Despite years of lottery entries, I’ve never received a permit, but I was one lucky duck when Kelli ended up with last minute permits for camping in the core! Unfortunately for me, I could only go one night, but it was still absolutely amazing. …

Moisture Festival 2018

Another year, another incredible Moisture Festival! I’ve been doing this so many years now I might just make a book soon!    Capturing all of the shenanigans backstage and small details and moments is my favorite part of the festival and I don’t take it for granted! Meeting performers of all ages and walks of …

Tuck and Robin Lakes

The Hoods did it again. They took me on a fantastic adventure in the mountains where memories will live forever. It only seemed fitting that this trip was just around the same time that we met 6 years ago in the mountains at Marmot Pass. After years of failed attempts for permits into The Enchantments, …

Musica Distesa 2017

If there wasn’t enough reason to love La Distesa more than I already do, Musica Distesa was the perfect reminder of what I love to live for. Three glorious days of food, wine, friends, art, and of course: MUSIC. For those who need a little crash course reminder of what Musica Distesa is, it is …

2016 – A year of heart exercise

Well, it serves me right for complaining that my 2015 felt uneventful during last year’s post. This year has had just as many highs as there has been lows for me. It certainly has been the biggest roller coaster that I am still on and I can’t see the end in sight anytime soon. 2016 …

My first boudoir shoot: Sweet and Sassy Sarah

I love a new challenge. When Sarah asked me about doing a boudoir shoot for her, I was probably more nervous than she was! Luckily for me, Sarah was the best first boudoir client I could ever hope for. Not only was she beautiful, she has more body confidence than anyone I know. It made …

Women & Whiskies: Whiskey 101 with Sara Rosales

Without Sara Rosales, there is no Radiator Whiskey. I loved Radiator the moment I walked in four years ago, but what kept me coming back was Sara. She is the cocktail queen, as well as an all around badass. I never liked whiskey cocktails until I met Sara and no one makes learning about whiskies as …

A Day at Glacier National Park

Glacier National Park has long been on my list of places to go. With a wedding around the corner at Bigfork, spending the day at Glacier was a no brainer. Unfortunately for us, time was not on our side so I’ll have to hold off on backcountry exploration another time. We decided to spend the …

Fête le Market

Quite possibly my FAVORITE market event so far. A new fundraiser for the Pike Place Foundation…Fête le Market! If I ever could have a wedding in the market, I would do it like this. The umbrellas…the UMBRELLAS!  

Nanaimo, Canada

With a wonky birthday week, Chris wanted to take me somewhere. I was secretly hoping for a trip to Harry Potter Land, but Chris said I’m on my own for that. Haha. Ok fair enough. So we ended up in Nanaimo, Canada! I have never even heard of Nanaimo before, but it’s a cute little city …

Sunset Supper 2016

Another summer goes by and another year closer to helping raise money for the new Pike Place Market Expansion! I spent the end of my birthday week shooting photos for the Pike Place Foundation’s annual event, Sunset Supper. One ticket for the evening gets you such a vast variety of local food and drinks, I …

The Little Yellow Navy – Diablo and Ross Lake

In honor of Joe’s birthday we embarked on our first kayak camp trip! We’ve only been talking about doing one since college, so it was about time we did it. We launched our kayaks into Diablo Lake, and it was SO windy we practically sailed down the lake and make it to the Ross Lake …

Banks Lake, WA

Can we please make this an annual thing? Banks Lake is the most amazing place for memorial day weekend! A 27-mile reservoir in central Washington where great camping and climbing spots are only accessible by boat. An AMAZING weekend with some of my favorite people. It was much needed to be without cell service for …