Without Sara Rosales, there is no Radiator Whiskey. I loved Radiator the moment I walked in four years ago, but what kept me coming back was Sara. She is the cocktail queen, as well as an all around badass. I never liked whiskey cocktails until I met Sara and no one makes learning about whiskies as …
Quite possibly my FAVORITE market event so far. A new fundraiser for the Pike Place Foundation…Fête le Market! If I ever could have a wedding in the market, I would do it like this. The umbrellas…the UMBRELLAS!
Another summer goes by and another year closer to helping raise money for the new Pike Place Market Expansion! I spent the end of my birthday week shooting photos for the Pike Place Foundation’s annual event, Sunset Supper. One ticket for the evening gets you such a vast variety of local food and drinks, I …
What has quickly become one of my favorite things about Spring, is looking forward to Arcade Lights. I have so enjoyed my last couple of years being a part of this fundraiser from working the photo both to being a roaming photographer (2015). It’s always so amazing to see the community rally together and how much …
Last night was spent celebrating the expansion and new home of Seapine Brewery! Congrats to Drew and Adam on the expansion! If you haven’t had a chance yet, visit them at their new location at 2959 Utah Avenue S, Seattle, WA 98134! I’m not usually a fan of saisons, but I do love the Seapine …
You know how it goes. Food and fun! And we raised $66,000 for the market in just a few hours! Learn more from the Pike Place Foundation! This girl and her dad were the cutest pizza slingers and were a hit all night! I miss living across the street from them.
As Andrew likes to point out…I have a knack for finding restaurants as they’re opening. I just think that if you spend enough time in food industry…you’re bound to come across some gems. Since I’ve been “off-the grid” from the Seattle food scene for the past year, I was pretty ecstatic about this discovery. So …
*Update: Well I didn’t make the cut…not surprisingly, but nonetheless dissapointing. I did watch most of the lucky 25 videos that did make it, and to be completely honest, they deserve it. Most of the videos are VERY well done, as well as the applicants being quite qualified! One guy was a finalist that Gordan …
As Nathan and I made our way to Chiang Mai we made some quick one night stops. The first was Lopburi, also known as monkey town. You can see monkeys roaming the streets everywhere and there’s even a monkey temple for them. It’s like watching ants on an ant hill…except with lots of old bananas …
After spending the afternoon on the beach, we decided to venture into town more for some more exploration. Sennigallia is beautiful. I got carried away with the real estate windows, dreaming of buying an italian home. We stopped by a small museum that was built partially over streets where ancient romans lived. It was pretty …
Sorry this is not a restuarant or food discovery, but my friend Graham introduced me to a wonderful new site that I had to share with other foodies. It’s called theydrawandcook.com. Basically, people combine art and recipes. Instead of writing out a boring old recipe, they illustrate it in some creative form. The art that …
Grilled Cheese Martini | Introducing the Grilled Cheese Martini | New York City | NYC | Flatiron | Drink: ‘via Blog this’ Yeah…I haven’t tried it yet…but as soon as I do…you betcha I’ll be reporting on it. Photo above courtesy of Seattle PI Blog.
Sorry I’ve been failing lately with the entries…I have a few updates I wanted to make but I failed at taking pictures…and without the pictures I don’t feel very motivated to write! I’m going to try to recreate some things I’ve had so when I do, I promise to take pictures and THEN write about …
So my friend Margi works for this fancy advertising agency. One of their clients is Pike Place Market. One day she showed them this: Then they asked me to be a model for Farm Days. I literally could not stop laughing when I heard this. Modeling is not my thing and I’m terrible at it. …
I swear I’ll stop rambling about Matt’s in the Market soon… 🙂 but this story just had to be shared. I am just going to go ahead and apologize in advance that there probably is more detail here than you need, but I really like to tell stories. 🙂 So, I recently shared my first …
Soooo remember how I made that comment about Copper River Salmon being cheap at Matt’s in the Market? Well I read an article today that explains why. In a nutshell – apparently there is an overflow of salmon so far this season sooooo what used to be $20-$40 a pound is now selling for $5 …
When I’m not in the kitchen or stuffing myself at my Mom’s or some restaurant, I’m usually on a trail in the woods. I’ve been exceptionally lucky with the people who bring me on these grand adventures, and this past weekend we decided to combine my two favorite things: Outdoors and food. The purpose of …
I used to work with Rachel Belle at Kiro…and this is just too hilarious not to share. Foodie Phone Sex – The Ron and Don Show – MyNorthwest.com
Check out my friend’s process of makin’ kombucha! ooo and ahhh at her pretty pictures! crab & bee: BUCH!
This is such an interesting group…I may make it a goal of mine to try it sometime! Random people getting together to cook fantastic meals together! Frugal Foodies makes its Seattle debut: http://crosscut.com/2010/01/18/food/19514/