Happy Fair – OCF 2018

After years of feeling conflicted about choosing between Raceweek and Oregon Country Fair, this year’s decision was much easier when Elusive decided not to participate in Raceweek (at first). I could finally return home!

It has been 7 years since I was last at the fair. There was a lot of change regarding camping at Darling Reunion, but what didn’t change was the absolute pure love that radiates among the community! And this year, I got to share fair with my absolute favorite human, best friend, and sister, Jamie Hood! Running around being fairies, unicorns, and our fun giggly selves was even better than I imagined it could ever be. Best girls trip ever.

Our first day was spent in our tent painting parasols to use the rest of the weekend! It was the perfect time to create something beautiful and honor Cody’s life.


I opted not to bring my camera this time because I didn’t want to feel burdened by the weight or responsibility. This weekend was all about the experience and memories so Jamie and I took turns using her point and shoot which did the job just fine!

Watching Jamie experience fair for the first time was so incredibly special for me. As if we couldn’t become any closer, our love was even stronger after so much laughter, creativity, exploration, and just letting ourselves be. I am SO thankful for Jamie in so many ways and it made me so happy to be able to share something so special to me with her. AND she made it that much more magical.

We made so many new friends including a fan boy (this guy who followed us around fair fanning us!), and a wise weathered soul, Holly. Lucky for us, Holly welcomed us into his camp group and Jamie and I created a sanctuary for four magical days.

Next year is the 50th anniversary for OCF so you bet I’ll be back! Jamie is a maybe as her and Kevin will still be soul surfing around the world they don’t know where they will be! I am so excited!!!!


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