2024 – The Year of Surrender, Adventure, and Peace

If there is one thing I have learned this year, it is that the end of everything, is the beginning to anything. When it rains, it really does pour. You can either complain about being underdressed and unprepared, or you can sing and dance in it. Obviously, I choose the latter. Sometimes it’s easier said …

2022: The Year of Connection and Embrace

The world opened it’s doors again, and opportunities seemed endless. At least for those of us who are privileged enough to have access to free vaccines and live in a place where you can choose how to live your life (for the most part). It seems like everyone was trying to make up for lost …

2021: Light the Fire of Your Soul

Being a human is weird. It’s fascinating, heartbreaking, and meaningless all at the same time. But mostly – it’s weird. Rereading my 2020 reflection, I get the sense of peace and fragility. Knowing that so much was unknown, and I was just trying to see the light in it all. This year, with COVID vaccines …

2020 – The Year of Presence

If you read any other reflections from 2020, you’ll likely hear themes ranging from, “2020: What in the actual fuck?” to “2020: When will it end?”. They are comical in their sad truth, but being the eternal optimist that I am, I can’t help but look at the bright side of everything. After all, just …

2019: The End of a Decade – Fearless and Fulfilled

I always love this time of the year when I get to create some time and space to reflect on my past year. The things I am grateful for, the moments that were most challenging, and the new memories created. Sometimes life is happening so fast, you don’t even realize how much has happened until …

Happy Fair – OCF 2018

After years of feeling conflicted about choosing between Raceweek and Oregon Country Fair, this year’s decision was much easier when Elusive decided not to participate in Raceweek (at first). I could finally return home! It has been 7 years since I was last at the fair. There was a lot of change regarding camping at …

Moisture Festival 2018

Another year, another incredible Moisture Festival! I’ve been doing this so many years now I might just make a book soon!    Capturing all of the shenanigans backstage and small details and moments is my favorite part of the festival and I don’t take it for granted! Meeting performers of all ages and walks of …

Backstage: The magic of Moisture Festival

I was never one of those kids who dreamed of running away to the join the circus, but that’s probably because I developed a fear of clowns (thanks a lot IT) and have never really been to the circus. Now that I’m much older and a little bit wiser, I wish I had at LEAST considered …

Dear Mr. Kelly

“All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.” – Edgar Allan Poe I first read this quote 13 years ago, in your Creative Writing class. I don’t remember how it came to be and I didn’t really know what it meant. Eventually I turned around and with glee I said, …

Heels to the Hardwood: Promo Shoot

I’ve never done a band promo shoot, but the boys needed one and I guess that’s where I came in! I think they were pretty fun 🙂 I know everyone wants serious drama band photos but I just think the guys look so sweet with their smiles. 🙂 The next series was hilarious. We found …

2014 – Taking Chances and Learning to Focus

What a crazy year it’s been. Once again I’m amazed how many things can happen to you to in a year and how fast relationships can grow and disappear.  I pretty much sucked at blogging this year, and for that, I can terribly sorry, but I am hoping to get caught up over the next week …

Sunset Supper 2014

What an honor it was to be one of the main photographers for one of Pike Place Market’s biggest events of the year! Sunset Supper, is every Seattlite’s foodie dream. For one night, the streets of Pike Place Market close down early and 1,400 people gather to taste some of the market’s staple offerings as …

When The Wizard Comes to Sasquatch!

Click. Click. Click. Type. Type. Type. It’s a typical work day until my phone starts buzzing and a big smile comes across my face. Because that’s what you do when Ryan Henry Ward calls you. Always smile. And feel warm and fuzzy. We don’t normally talk on the phone so even though I’m in the …

Skagit Valley Tulip Festival

Since I referenced the event in my last post, I figured it would be a good opportunity to post some of my favorite Skagit Valley Tulip Festival photos. This festival takes place for a couple weeks in every year in April/May in Mount Vernon, Washington. It’s always been my sign that spring is almost here and usually …

My first Oregon Country Fair

In this moment, I just want to runaway and go back to the fair. “Take me back to the fair…back to dusty path ways, back to mossy green trees…Take me back to the fair, back to cherry stomping grounds, back to fire pits so loud, back to where i feel proud…Take me back to the …

Emerald City Trapeze: Mardis Gras

Once I met an amazing girl named Katie (who also takes awesome pictures and you should check her out). If anyone knows me at all, up until last year I hardly had any women friends I could count on my hand if I was ever in a pickle and needed help. Katie and I bonded …