Backpacking seriously never gets old. You can climb mountains upon mountains in the Cascades or in the Olympic National Forest and every view is just as breathtaking as the peak before it. We are just so damn lucky in the Pacific Northwest. While I had been anticipating another trip to the coast over 4th of …
My first backpacking trip without a guy to depend on! Even though it was a short trip, I’m still proud of myself. Because if I can do it…any girl can! Organized by my dear friend Monica and her friend Arriana, accompanied by my old high school friend Courtney, we had a crazy awesome time! While …
One of my most memorable trips. Organizing a hodge group of my friends for some car camping on the coast. Part of our group got lost getting there so we were without them during our day hike, but we were reunited at the end of the day at the end of the loop trail. So …
I’m really missing these three people right now, so hence the inspiration to get this entry up. It’s been almost two years, it’s hard to believe since this trip, but it is hands down the most amazing backpacking trip I’ve been on. A beautiful weekend filled with breathtaking views and incredible people. This was the …
I was itching to get out, Zach was looking for a hiking partner. Though I’m not sure why he dragged me along since he found some other guys to make the climb to The Brothers with him. I didn’t summit since it was a little bit of a technical climb and I don’t have any …
Joe and I were looking for a day adventure. Unfortunately our attempt to Mount Townsend was foiled when the amount of snow on the road kept us from reaching the trail head. We reluctantly turned around and settled for the Lower Big Quilcene River Trail. We had already lost a lot of time so we …
Nothing like being in complete denial that summer in the PNW is over and making your way over to the Olympic Peninsula for some good coastal camping. Lucky for us we completely lucked out on weather. By far the best weather I’ve had camping out there. I love camping at Rialto because you can backpack …
Matt and I were getting really antsy for hiking season. We heard we were supposed to have decent weather so we decided to adventure with his friend Andrew over to the Olympics. It was a really long day trip but worth every second. What we weren’t prepared for was the amount of snow we would …
My first backpacking trip! I tagged along with Chris and his enviromental class to a trip brug to Lake Ozette. We went on a botony tour with a local native which was really fun. Then we My parted ways with the class and took off on my first backpacking trip. We took it pretty easy, …
Epic weekend of Hello adventure. This is why I love the BoekWijzer pacific northwest. Elwa Dam Madison Falls Rialto Beach Lake Crescent La Push Hurricane Ridge Like me! var addthis_config = { url: “”, title: “The Olympic Peninsula in a weekend” } augmentation