I did it! I finally made it to the coveted enchantments! Despite years of lottery entries, I’ve never received a permit, but I was one lucky duck when Kelli ended up with last minute permits for camping in the core! Unfortunately for me, I could only go one night, but it was still absolutely amazing. Despite the terrible wildfire smoke, the peak of summer heat, and despite not being in backpacking shape…I did it!
I miraculously convinced Chris to hike with me because 1. I don’t have a car and 2. I might die if I went alone. 3. I trust him and knew we could do this together. Luckily for me he agreed. We camped at the trailhead the night before so we could hit the train around 6:30am I wanted as much time as possible because I knew my turtle pace would slow me down.

Colchuk Lake. Part 1 complete.
I did however see my first bear on the trail! That was terrifying and awesome at the same time. But mostly terrifying.

Now to go up Aasgard Pass. That plain rocky area between the two peaks. 2,000 ft in less than a mile.
Aasgard Pass was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to physically do. There were times I wasn’t sure I would make it all the way. It took me nearly 5 hours just to do that 1 mile section (2,000 ft vertical gain), but when I heard these fit climbers say it still took them 3.5 hours in their day packs I felt pretty good given the circumstances.

Colchuk lake below

Yes I did the whole thing in Chacos. Yes, my feet survived. Would I do it in chacosĀ again? Probably not.
A well deserved dinner was had before we headed to Leprachaun Lake. We got a little lost so we didn’t arrive to camp till about 9pm. Longest day of hiking EVER.
These reflections were just absolutely amazing. The next morning would blow my mind away even more though.
Despite the smoke, it was still absolutely gorgeous.
We successfully hitchhiked back and proceeded to stuff ourselves with all the mexican food possible in Leavenworth.
After this trip, I feel like I can literally do anything. I now believe I can try mountaineering! I’m going to do it! Can’t wait to go back again.