One Year Abroad: Photography Highlights

Today marks my one year abroad. Finally something that has been number one on my bucket list can be checked off. And look at me…still going strong. Would stay abroad if I really wanted to, but to be honest, some time at home will be good for my heart as well. I’m one of those people who are lucky enough to call Seattle my home. I come from a beautiful and wonderful place, and if it weren’t for that and my friends and family, I’d likely just stay abroad. But for now, I’d like to spend some time at home.

I’m also leaving for a trip to Sicily today with my Italian family…so stay tuned for that. Aside from the tips on traveling for a year post I’d like to write, I decided to collectively post my favorite photos from my travels. Unfortunately some of my favorite experiences never really get photographed well enough to make this cut. But that’s how it goes sometimes when you’re enjoying yourself. Here are some of my favorite shots over the past year in chronological order:


Home sweet home. Spring time is the best time to be in the vineyard.

A very merry birthday to me thanks to Corrado and Valeria…taking me to my first Mumford and Sons concert!

Despite the tourist shinanigans, photos form the Cinque Terre never do it justice.


Exploring rock valleys, waking up to hot air balloons outside my window…Turkey was a wonderful place.

And who could forget my wonderful time with the Discovery Channel crew?

Monte Vettore…quite possibly the worst hiking experience I’ve ever had due to the unavoidable large Italian lunch before hand. But it was still a gorgeous place.

A new cellar is born: Ca’Liptra!


My second harvest…my favorite part of winemaking.

Churches are strange, mesmerizing, and beautiful.


Venice was romantically breathtaking. The black and white photo above is one of my all time favorite photos from my entire trip abroad. It was just the perfect moment.

And of course leave it to Tim…woo-er extraordinaire to fulfill one of my most romantic fantasies. But lucky for him we weren’t on a date so I didn’t fall madly in love with him. But ice skating with the holiday decorations outside the Natural History Museum in London was a MAJOR highlight for me this year.

Wat-ing or squatting? Bangkok was a was a great warm up to the culture differences I would experience for the next couple of months.

One of my favorite portraits caught on a train in Thailand.

And of course…one of the major highlights of my entire life: bathing with elephants.

Pai was a magical place for me, despite the touristiness…I found a wonderful oasis I hope to call home again someday.

It was a strange, Irish/English/Thai Christmas for me! My first one away from home.

A strangely eerie photo flying over India

You can never go wrong with learning how to make homecooked meals from the pros.


Surviving an Indian train ride was not as horrific as anticipated.


India probably gets an unfair share of favorite pictures from my time abroad…but honestly…how could you not take wonderful photos in such a photogenic country?

It’s not everyday you make the front page of a newspaper in a foreign country. The kite festival in Pushkar was a great moment as well.


I really enjoyed taking portraits while traveling through Jaipur

Another life goal complete…witnessing a traditional Indian wedding!

This dog and this art was just too cool not to capture.

Another one to check off the life list: hiking the Himalayas. I didn’t have enough time or gear to get a good trek in but this was a good first taste. I’ll be back again…

Rounding out my year abroad in the place that started it all…the vineyards of Italy.

I can’t believe it’s been a year already, and yet it also feels like I’ve been away an eternity. I have been challenged and rewarded in equal ways and I know that I couldn’t have done it without Valeria and Corrado, the support of my friends and family back home, and to Mr. Kelly…wherever you are…you started it all…oh how I wish you could see me now (note to self…try harder to get back in touch with him). And Jim…I honestly think the only reason why I’ve been able to survive this long on my own is because your spirit has be alongside the whole time. So thank you for that.

Hope you guys enjoyed the photos…thanks for reading along my journey!




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