Traveling By the Numbers

Some of you may not know, but I’ve been off the grid because I actually came home to Seattle earlier this month as a Mother’s Day surprise for my mom.

I’ve managed to calculate my travels into a short list here for you:

Days abroad: 396

Countries flown to: 5 (6 if you count flying back to the United States)

Total air mileage: 37,208

Miles by car: 9,250

Miles by train: 2,970

Miles by bus: 2,186

Miles by motorbikes: 65

Miles by ferry: 12

Money spent: More or less $10,000

I’d like to keep writing on some more helpful travel entries and answering some age old questions I keep getting (how I could afford to travel for a a year without work, wwoofing, etc), so I’ll probably get those sorted soon. I’m not sure what is in store for me next other than applying for jobs, gorging on all my favorite treats of home again, and hiking as much as I can.

Thank you so much to the people who have stuck with me during this chapter in my life, I hope I can continue to travel (maybe not as extensively as this time) and provide you with stories and photos from around the world.

Not bad for 13 months?


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